«Today more than yesterday, tomorrow more than today, we will do our best to relieve the agonies of those who suffer. By making our light shine, we offer others the opportunity to do the same. » Nelson Mandela
The International NoNoma Federation, founded on 20 March 2003, is primarily a forum for ideas and exchanges.
Its objective is to strengthen the combat against noma throughout the world by encouraging its members to collaborate and by becoming the preferred interlocutor for authorities in countries affected by noma and for international bodies.
The members all have activities directly related to the disease noma (prevention, detection, treatment, research, social support). They undertake to respect the following obligations:
New Articles of Association approved by the General Meeting of 7 October 2011 in Ferney-Voltaire (STATUTS FINN 7 oct 2011)
Are you fighting against noma? Would you like to join us ?
Tell us what you are doing … You have the floor …
The Nonoma Federation wishes to be kept informed about efforts to prevent and combat noma. This site can help publicize your work and experience and so encourage and support other organizations in their efforts. Email us at info@nonoma.org and send us the name of your organization, name of contact person, address, phone number, website (if available) and a brief description of your association and activities.