• c/o Winds of Hope Foundation, Ch. de Montolivet 19, 1006 Lausanne, Suisse
  • +41 (0)21 320 77 22
  • info@nonoma.org

The activities conducted by Federation members are all directly linked to the disease of noma: prevention, detection, treatment, social and financial support, research, raising awareness in the international community, and advocacy. Up to now, these have taken place principally in Africa, in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Congo (DRC), Senegal and Togo. Asia and Central and South America remain neglected for the moment, in the absence of financing and organisations actively combating noma in those parts of the world.

Our activities



Prevention remains the best way of combating this disease. Preventative work includes :

  • Training community health workers, medical staff, traditional healers and birth attendants
  • Developing and implementing information and education programs for the community
  • Supporting primary health care services to help them to care for patients
  • Facilitating access to primary care for the most remote populations
  • Making products for primary care readily available and easily accessible
  • Combating malnutrition by distributing dietary supplements (spirulina)
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Prevention work will inevitably lead to the detection of cases of noma that must then be taken care of. Management of patient care is focused on :

  • Pre- and post-operative care
  • Organization of surgical missions
  • Organization of transport and escorting of children
  • Organization and implementation of patient rehabilitation
  • Professional training for children who have recovered from noma
  • Support for victims and families (subsidies for housing, livestock etc.)
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Joint Action

All those active in the field combating noma have resolved to work together to increase their chances of eliminating this scourge and have cooperated in :

  • Developing common tools for prevention and patient follow-up
  • Getting noma officially recognized by the UN Human Rights Council as a marker of poverty /address>
  • Putting stronger pressure on governments to commit themselves to fighting the factors that promote noma
  • Publishing and developing noma support protocols and manuals
  • Mobilizing and raising public awareness
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Studies & Research

Promoting etiological research and epidemiological monitoring for :

  • Identifying the causes of the disease
  • Discovering how many are affected and how many at risk, so that campaigns can be better targeted.
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