• c/o Winds of Hope Foundation, Ch. de Montolivet 19, 1006 Lausanne, Suisse
  • +41 (0)21 320 77 22
  • info@nonoma.org

Project Harar

Rebuilding Faces, Changing Lives...

General information

Project Harar

British charity founded in 2001 which aims to help Ethiopians with facial disfigurements to access medical care to improve facial function and rebuild appearance, and to support patients’ community reintegration.


Project Harar,
4A Park End,
London NW3 2SE, UK
Tél : +44 (0)20 7794 4856
Instagram: @projectharar

UK Team

Victoria Clare – Director
Rebecca Wing – Fundraising Officer
Helena Stroud – Marketing and Communications Officer
Shree Mandke – Senior Development Manager


Medical treatement & assistance
Reconstructive surgery
Community reintegration

Mission & Vision

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Project Harar is a charity that provides medical treatment and rehabilitation services to patients with facial disfigurements in rural Ethiopia. This ranges from relatively simple surgeries for cleft lip and palate to more complex treatment for conditions such as noma, tumours, burns and animal attack injuries.

Our mission is to provide treatment and rehabilitation to Ethiopians with facial disfigurements in order to ensure that they live a life of dignity in their communities.

Our vision is a world in which all people with facial disfigurements receive the support and treatment they need to fulfil their potential in life.


Today, the charity supports around 1,000 people per year – mainly children with cleft lip and palate – to access reconstructive surgery. Project Harar also pays the travel costs, accommodation costs and food expenses of each patient as well as a guardian to ensure that there are no additional expenses which might dissuade a patient from getting the surgery.

Project Harar also organises annual complex surgical mission. The mission comprises around 25 volunteer medics, most of whom work within the British National Health Service, who travel to Ethiopia to provide life-changing surgery to 45-50 patients each year suffering from a range of complex facial conditions including noma, burns and animal attack injuries. The mission provides two weeks of surgery and two months of medical support.

So far, we have supported over 4,000 children and adults with severe facial disfigurements to access much needed medical assistance. We are currently making efforts to significantly increase the number of beneficiaries reached, build the capacity of local hospitals, and strengthen community support systems to Ethiopians affected by facial conditions.