US non profit organization
founded in 1987
If you have done it unto the least of these. . .you have done it unto me.
US non profit organization
founded in 1987
MAMA Project, Inc.
2781A Geryville Pike,
Pennsburg, PA 18073 USA
Phone/FAX: 215-679-4338
Dr. Priscilla Benner, Director
Dr. Herman Sagastume, Field Director
Amanda Sagastume, Program Coordinator
Child survival Training
Preventive Medicine
MAMA Project is a nonprofit that is dedicated to promoting Child Survival.
Our mission is “to be a network to promote health and wholeness working through partnerships on many levels both national and international, involving many sectors of society both public and private, joining forces to deal with problems that rob children of their chance to experience ‘Shalom’.”
Our main focus is improving household nutrition in communities that experience chronic malnutrition in children.
We engage in policy advocacy and training on both community level and with other agencies and nonprofits.
Our vision is “to build a ‘wall of protection’ around children born into adverse environments to allow not just survival but also development to their full potential.”
Our Nutrition Center helps malnourished children in poor, rural communities of Honduras. Not only do the children receive medical attention while at the Center but the families receive health & hygiene education. We have developed many of our own materials, and also use material from parallel organizations such as the Ministry of Health of Honduras, and the Hesperian Foundation (e.g. “Where There is No Doctor”). Typically a family stays at the Center for 1-3 months and then returns to their community with good health and a new education on taking care of themselves.
MAMA Project has been involved in helping students in Haiti since 1999. Being able to attend school makes an enormous difference in the lives of children and youth who would otherwise find themselves without a chance for education.
Our Nutrition Center helps malnourished children in poor, rural communities of Honduras. Not only do the children receive medical attention while at the Center but the families receive health & hygiene education. We have developed many of our own materials, and also use material from parallel organizations such as the Ministry of Health of Honduras, and the Hesperian Foundation (e.g. “Where There is No Doctor”). Typically a family stays at the Center for 1-3 months and then returns to their community with good health and a new education on taking care of themselves.
An important aspect of this work for MAMA Project is the training of community leaders through Child Survival Trainings. Each of these trainings takes place one time per year. Leaders are trained in general health monitoring and treatment of malnutrition in children. We train 2-3 leaders in each of the 80 communities where we work. We especially focus on the villages from which severely malnourished children have come to the San Francisco Nutrition Center.