• c/o Winds of Hope Foundation, Ch. de Montolivet 19, 1006 Lausanne, Suisse
  • +41 (0)21 320 77 22
  • info@nonoma.org

Noma Hilfe Schweiz

Je rêve d'un monde digne des enfants... St-Exupéry


Association founded
in Zurich in july 2005



Postfach 479
8703 Erlenbach
Tel: + 41 44 991 10 00


Peter Junker
Ernst Notz
Remo Santi
Yves Vontobel
Patronat: Dr. med. Bertrand Piccard
Managing director: Claude Junker


Health Care
Social Care
Raising Awarness
Fund Raising

NHS so sollte es sein (8)

The association NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ was founded in Kusnacht (Zurich) in July 2005. In September 2005 the association was approved as a member by the International NoNoma Federation and in April 2007 the cantonal tax department of the canton Zurich recognized NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ as a non-profit-Organisation and declared the association as tax-exempt. All donations to NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ are therefore tax deductible in all Swiss cantons.

NOMA-HILFE-SCHWEIZ engages for prevention, alleviation and elimination of the disease supporting all preventive, surgical and nursing measures in the “fight against Noma”. Our activity knows no geographical boundaries.



  • Prevention measures in regions affected by Noma, encouragement of local personnel on-site
  • Raising awareness on the roots of the disease
  • Showing ways on how to  improve the living conditions of the children affected

Health Care

  • Medical on-site treatment of children
  • controlled disbursement of antibiotics and general tropical medicine measures
  • Surgical intervention in specialized hospitals
Sentinelles Suivi domicile BF
Faso 34

Social Care

  • Psychosocial assistance and mentoring of children and their relatives concerned
  • Follow-up of children operated
  • Financial support of family environment to improve the hygienic conditions


  • Raising funds in favor of projects dealing with prevention and treatment of noma
  • We team up with medical specialists, individuals and organizations sharing the same objectives